The Animated Film Studio 98 have cooperated and still cooperates with many significant institutions and individuals,
while some of them attended the workshops on the animated film within the festivals in which the Animated Film Studio 98
participated. Among many individuals we have been cooperating with, we would like to mention some of them, such as:
Nikolaj Burljajev, Russian actor and film director, Darko Bajic, film director, Svetislav Goncic, actor, Nikola Majdak,
professor, Borivoj Dovnikovic-Bordo, animator, Pencho Kuncev, animator, Dragan Lukic, a poet, Aleksandar Erdeljanovic,
head of the Archives of Yugoslav Cinema Museum, Sayoko Kinoshita, the general manger of ASIFA (World Association of Animators),
Poll Aims, vice-president of Red Cross, and many others.